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    Lopez Mateos Sur 6400
    T. 00 52 33 36 84 50 81
    F. 01 33 36845081
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    Habitat Garden

    Activités : Hersteller, Verteiler  , Importeur  , Fabrikarbeiter  
    Habitat Garden. wie hast 65 jahre nach gardten und aufen möbel machen. wie hast alluminum (made in mexico) synthetich holz( highwood made in u.s.a) , und wicker (rehau detschland) . wie machen hotel, restaurant und hause möbel. mit hochstand qüalitat, wir hat künden marriot hotel, subway restaurant und mexico presidentin, mit international DÜW.... wir sprichst englisch. habitat garden manufacture furniture for pool, garden , beach, outdoors, restaurant, residential, hotel, with institutional quality to be used in heavy traffic facitlities, we are third generation furniture manufacturers, with high quality, both innovative designs and auqlity materials, the newest and avant guard companies for furniture development in the world. we manufacture upon design and have available designs made by top mexcina designers, custom made is also one of our advantages, you may manufacture in mexico and have 12 hour delivery by land to the united states market , with competitive prices and your own selling and manufacturing technique, we are affordable and flexible and understand clever international market of nowadays . please browse thru our web page and feel free to call and email
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